We are getting ready to spend the summer at our little oasis. I can't wait. Lots of positive, creative energy out there!
I have been very blessed to get to teach wonderful families, many of whom have given me precious constructive feedback to help me improve the courses. +Trish Corlew and +Leann Warren have been instrumental in this success, among others with whom I don't have a G+ connection (yet).
Trish has three awesome sons. I teach her older two in my high school Descubre class, her youngest is in his 3rd session of Young Amigos with me. She has provided me incredibly beneficial feedback after experiencing the courses firsthand and has even agreed to come on board with Croghan Language Academy to help me put some cool ideas into practice. You should check out her blog, Live and Learn Farm. It is creative, insightful and thought-provoking... love it!
I got to meet Leann at Cincinnati Great Homeschool Convention. Actually, she is a friend of Trish's who entered one of my raffles for a free class... and WON! She produces a fabulous blog called Montessori Tidbits. Among other things, she has helped me see how I can use Google+ as an extension of my courses, potentially use Hangouts to offer interaction and provide a social place to support homeschool Spanish students. Oh, and Pinterest. She has helped me organize CLA boards better as well! :)
Most importantly, +John Croghan is my wonderful husband. He is a musician and he will be coming on board with CLA as a creative consultant. I want my own music, so he will be writing, performing and producing the recordings. I look forward to starting this process in the fall! Music can be such a powerful learning mechanism if it is done well. I have the right guy for the job! :)
(I'm a lucky gal!)
Other things to look forward to in future Young Amigos classes:
- A curriculum change. The current classes use a 3rd party curriculum. While approximately 75% of the course material is my own, I do currently rely on a workbook and online resource center that is not mine. I will be creating my own work/textbook and replacing the online resource center with my own activities as well. Additionally, I want to change up the order of presentation on some key concepts, to make for an improved learning experience.
- As mentioned, my own MÚSICA!
- More manipulatives for hands-on learning.
- I already offer two models of classes, one of them offering a weekly intensive live class meeting. In addition, I plan to offer a free Google+ Hangout for all enrolled students. We will do a little storytime or "Canta con Juan," Sing with John!
- More course offerings! I am considering developing a "Spanish for Missionaries" online course. Spanish Praise Music would be a part of this.
- Co-op or large group discounts.
What do you think? I would love to hear any thoughts you have about these ideas. Otherwise, onward and upward... ¡Hasta pronto!
I am honored and excited to be a part of your vision! Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher to our boys and for giving me the opportunity to work with you! I can't wait to see what we can come up with putting our heads together with Leann And... your hubby too! That is fabulous! That is a new aspect I have not heard about and I LOVE this idea!