Alternatively, if you don't want to place the labels around the house, go ahead and color them without cutting them apart. Then study them once a day in the same fashion, until you can look at the color and identify it in Spanish without having to read it.
Here are the translations of each, so that you can color your labels appropriately!
1. negro - black
2. blanco - white
3. azul - blue
4. rojo - red
5. morado - purple
6. verde - green
7. amarillo - yellow
8. anaranjado - orange
9. gris - gray
10. café - brown
11. rosado - pink
12. turquesa - turquoise
13. azul marino - aquamarine blue
14. verde oscuro - dark green
15. azul claro - light blue
16. violeta - lavender or violet
17. de oro - gold
18. de plata - silver
19. bronceado- bronze
20. cobrizo - copper
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