I start out one of my college courses with a discussion about whether or not they think the English language is threatened in the United States. With the influx of minority populations, especially those who predominantly speak Spanish, my sense is there is fear out there. Many people feel uncomfortable when in a public place and they hear people speaking Spanish. And then they get mad and say "If you're going to live in this country, you better learn to speak the language (i.e. English)." Why? Have you considered... maybe they do speak English, but they are just having a private conversation? Or perhaps they are just more comfortable speaking in their primary language? Or maybe they are really trying to learn English and just struggling with it (after all, learning a new language is NOT easy, especially the older you get)? We shouldn't jump to conclusions about intentions just because we hear people speaking a language other than English.
My point is... why waste time judging, speculating or criticizing? Where is it really going to get you? It is wasted energy. My belief is that people fear it is really going to affect them one day, this speaking of Spanish or whatever other languages they feel threatened by. English isn't going anywhere, folks. You need not feel threatened. So if that is the case, then why not turn this energy positive and learn to accept, tolerate and welcome into your lives people who speak another language. Build relationships with them! Reach out to them: learn to speak their language as they are learning yours.
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